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Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

The Right Honourable Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the son of Lord Randolph Churchill and an American mother, was educated at Harrow and Sandhurst. After a brief but eventful career in the army, he became a Conservative Member of Parliament in 1900. He held many high posts in Liberal and Conservative governments during the first three decades of the century. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty - a post which he had earlier held from 1911 to 1915. In May, 1940, he became Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and remained in office until 1945. He took over the premiership again in the Conservative victory of 1951 and resigned in 1955. However, he remained a Member of Parliament until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek re-election. Queen Elizabeth II conferred on Churchill the dignity of Knighthood and invested him with the insignia of the Order of the Garter in 1953. Among the other countless honours and decorations he received, special mention should be made of the honorary citizenship of the United States which President Kennedy conferred on him in 1963. Churchill's literary career began with campaign reports: The Story of the Malakand Field Force (1898) and The River War (1899), an account of the campaign in the Sudan and the Battle of Omdurman. In 1900, he published his only novel, Savrola, and, six years later, his first major work, the biography of his father, Lord Randolph Churchill. His other famous biography, the life of his great ancestor, the Duke of Marlborough, was published in four volumes between 1933 and 1938. Churchill's history of the First World War appeared in four volumes under the title of The World Crisis (1923-29); his memoirs of the Second World War ran to six volumes (1948-1953/54). After his retirement from office, Churchill wrote a History of the English-speaking Peoples (4 vols., 1956-58). His magnificent oratory survives in a dozen volumes of speeches, among them The Unrelenting Struggle (1942), The Dawn of Liberation (1945), and Victory (1946). Churchill, a gifted amateur painter, wrote Painting as a Pastime (1948). An autobiographical account of his youth, My Early Life, appeared in 1930.
From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967.
Winston Churchill died in 1965.

comeme las pallabras nunca nun me provocara indixestión
construyimos una esistencia cunu que nos dan. Cosruyamos una vida cunu que damos
el courax yía queillu que sirve pa ponese de pie y falare, el courax yía tamién lu que sirve pa sentase y ascuchare
El gas yía un arma más misericordiosa que los grandes esplosivos y obliga al enemigu a aceutar una decisión cun menos pérdidas humanas que qualisquier oitru istrumentu de gerra
el meyor argumentu a la escontra la democracia ye una conversa de cincu minutos col votante mediu
en tiempu de gerra, la verdá ye un bien tan valiosu que ha de ser defendíu pur una muria de mentiras
hai una cantidá terrible de mentiras diendu pul mundu y lu pior d\'eillu ye que la mitá son verdá
hemos desconfiare de las inovaciones supérfluas, sobrutóu cuandu tán guiadas pula llóxica
la dómina del tardare, de los espedientes inútiles y consoladores, de los retrasos, ta arribandu al sou peche. Nel sou puestu tamos entrandu nun periodu de consecuencias
la historia sedrá amable cumiéu, purque piensu escribila
la imaxinación consuélanos de lu que nun somos, l\'humor de lu que somos
las escuelas nun tienen necesariamente mueitu que vere cuna educacion...eillas son principalmente istituciones de control, n\'onde costumes básicas deben ser inculcadas nel xoven. La educación ye bastante diferente y tien poucu sitiu na escuela
las únicas estadísticas que debes creyere son las que falsificaras tu mesmu
los déspotas saben cúmu resolvere tolos problemas menos el más seriu: eillos miusmos
los italianos pierden guerras comu si fueran partíos de fútbol y partíos de fútbol comu si fueran guerras
los seres humanos agarrapiéllanse de tres xeitos: los que se muerren de cansanciu, los que se muerren d\'aburrición y los que se muerren de mieu
nun entiendu todos esos reparos sobru l\'usu\'l gas. Tou enforma a favor d\'usar gas velenosu escontra las tribus incivilizadas. L\'efeutu moral debiera sere bonu... y eillu daría un miedu terrible
nun hai meyor inversión pa una comunidá que ponere lleche dientru los neños
presonalmente siempres tou dimpuestu a que m\'aprendan, anque non a que me dean lleiciones
sacara you más del alcol que l\'alcol de mi
si tienes diez mil regulaciones, destruyes cualisquier respetu pula llei
tien tolas virtúes que despreciu y ningún viciu qu\'almiru
tou a favor de difundire baterias metódicamente preparadas xenéticamente entre xente y animales, de mofu...pa destruyire cosechas, antras pa destruyire caballos y ganáu, y la peste, nun sólu pa matar exércitos dafeichu, sinón la población d\'estensas rexones
un políticu tien que tenere la capacidá de predicire qué va pasare mañana, el mes que vien, y el prósimu añu y darréu desplicare por qué nun pasara
un prisioneiru de gerra ye un home que tratae de matate, nun ye a eillu, y darréu pídite que nun-y mates